1h 10min | Persian | Historical Drama
Producer: Shahab Johari
Writer & Director: Ali Safari
Golden Lion Theater Festival/2021
Lviv/Ukraine/Voskresinnia Theatre
Women's Auschwitz is a story of the life and death of three girls in concentration camps during World War II. Women's Auschwitz has previously participated in the 36th Fadjr International Theater Festival 2016, 32th the Golden Lion International Festival of Ukraine 2021, the 22nd Melpamuni Kherson International Theater Festival 2022, and the 2nd Pro.Act International Festival 2022

Cast: Amir Shams, Raha Hajizeinel, Nazanin Mihan, Shahrazad Mahmoudi
CREW: Light Designer: Pedram Rezvani, Graphic Designer: Amin Ghanbari, Photographer: Reza Javidi, Tranlate to English: Mehdi Aboohamzeh, Set Designer: Ali Safari